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best residential cleaning

How to Select the Best Residential Cleaning Services Near Me

Hello friend! We are glad that you have found us here at Green Maids. Our guess is you have clicked on this article because you are tired of trying to maintain a clean and tidy home along with all the other craziness that life is throwing at you every day. If you are like so many of the clients we consider to be part of our family, you are working hard to juggle tasks like a career, school, raising a family, and maintaining healthy relationships with your loved ones.

With that long list of tasks we just mentioned, it is very easy to see why so many people feel completely overwhelmed. For all of us who are trying to keep up with the never-ending to-do list, having any time for leisure activities or “me time” seems like an unattainable luxury. We would like to encourage you to pause and consider leaving some of the responsibilities to home cleaning services near me.

We know you may be thinking that this is money that is not in your budget…that you cannot afford this. However, we would like to encourage you to see this as not just throwing money away, but as an investment in you and your family…an investment in giving yourself back precious time to spend pursuing your passions. There is no value that you can place on getting the gift of time. It is priceless.

With this mindset, we would like to invite you to join us for this good read all about how to select the best residential house cleaning services near me that will meet your needs and your budget. Let’s get started.


Before making any calls to set up meetings with residential cleaners near me, it makes sense to sit down and take some time to think about what your cleaning wish list looks like. Maybe you are looking for someone to come in and do a thorough cleaning once a month while you do touch-ups on the weeks in between.

Perhaps you just want a seasonal deep cleaning where the cleaner that you employ takes care of the kind of cleaning tasks that most of us dread…you know things like moving appliances and cleaning the debris that accumulated under them or washing walls, windows, and baseboards. We all know those things need to be done, but they tend to be time-consuming and fall to the bottom of the list.

Most commonly, if you are a busy adult who is facing numerous responsibilities, you will most likely be looking to hire someone to come weekly or bi-weekly. Now, if you are looking for more frequent cleaning, this is going to involve a larger budget. It may be very tempting to seek out someone who is working independently for a lower under-the-table cash rate instead of a professional cleaning company. Choosing this route does carry many undue risks such as them not being held to corporate standards and often not being bonded and insured if they damage something in your home or get hurt on the job.


When you are seeking any sort of service for your home, you should ALWAYS ask for several references and research reviews about the services provided. Talking with trusted family members and friends is a good starting point for your investigation into the best residential cleaning services near me. Once you have several companies that you are interested in contacting, reach out to them and open a dialogue. Along with the recommendations from your friends and family, ask them for references that would be willing to correspond with you regarding their qualifications.

You can also take your research online and look up reviews as well as the Better Business Bureau ratings for those cleaners that are in the running. Online reviews can be very insightful, however, we just want to remind you that they should be taken with a grain of salt. Statistically speaking, unhappy people tend to disproportionately leave reviews compared to those that are satisfied with their experiences.

Negative reviews tend to be a platform for angry customers to vent their frustrations and often blow situations out of proportion to damage the reputation of a company or even to seek financial compensation. If most reviews are positive, trust those as being more accurate. No company is perfect and it is impossible to please every single client every single time.

One last word of caution…watch out for companies that have perfect ratings. Sometimes businesses will pay reviewers to give them perfect marks in an attempt to drum up business. Just like we said no company is perfect, this fact remains true when it comes to flawless ratings.


As we mentioned above, one of the biggest benefits of hiring professional house cleaning services near me is that they should be bonded and insured. This gives them the ability to cover any damages that may occur during the cleaning of your home, inadvertent injuries, and even theft of your belongings by your cleaning technician.

While these situations are few and far between, if you happen to become involved in an incident, you don’t want to be out hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Even worse, you do not want to be sued for an injury that occurred on your property, even if it wasn’t your fault. Accidents happen, but sadly, we live in a sue-happy society. Bonding and insurance protect you and the company that you are working with. If a company is not willing to provide you with their bonding and insurance information, it may be a good idea to look elsewhere.


Searching for household cleaning services near me can take some time, but we promise that it is time well spent. We suggest inviting your contenders into your home for an in-person consultation. If you are more comfortable with maintaining social distancing still, many businesses will offer video consults.

During your consultation, you can find out how long the company has been in business and if they have been recognized for any awards or professional affiliations/memberships. These memberships and accreditations typically require their members to maintain stringent standards and complete tasks like continuing education and training. Choosing providers with vast experience and credentialing can leave you feeling an extra degree of confidence about the level and quality of service that you will receive.


As we discussed earlier, many residential cleaning services near me will offer both packages as well as a la carte cleaning services. If you are clear about the cleaning services you are looking for, this will help you to find your perfect match in a cleaning company. For instance, if a company’s discounted packages are very basic and you desire more detailed cleaning services each week that are all expensive add-ons, it may behoove you to seek a company that has a package deal that is more in line with your desired task list.


While no one plans on signing up for residential cleaning services near me that disappoint them, inferior work does happen. Before you sign any contracts for services, make sure that you are aware of all workmanship guarantees in writing. These should specify how your chosen company will rectify any situations where you are not satisfied. This could be cleaning that is not to typical standards or accidental damage that occurs.

Although we can tell you that accidents happen and everyone has a bad day now and again, you as a client should never have to suffer mentally or financially due to the mistakes of a person you trusted to complete your home cleaning services.


Our final recommendation when working to choose your residential cleaning services near me provider is to read the fine print. Although you may be tempted to skip these details, you need to understand who you are bringing into your home. Some important terms of service include:

  • Employees vs. contractors
    • Typically contract workers do not receive the same benefits and training as employees, They are also generally paid less and may have inconsistent training and experience compared to employees who are hired and trained by a company to consistent standards.
  • Supplies and provisions
    • Understand if you are expected to provide cleaning products and supplies or if they will be provided as part of your service contract. At Green Maids we provide and use all eco-friendly products that give our clients the ultimate in safe non-toxic cleaning for every room of your home.
  • Cancellation of service change fees
    • Be clear on any fees that may be imposed due to service cancellation by you or if you want to change the terms of your contract.

Finding the right residential cleaners near me can be an arduous task, but we hope that this guide helps you to ask the right questions and do the right research so that you can be confident in who you are letting into your home. If you are looking for excellence in environmentally friendly cleaning that is safe for all the members of your household, we invite you to call our Green Maids team for more information.